
We keep your data private and secure and make it available to you and your family when you need it.
Private Secure Trusted
Secure storage of financial and confidential personal data

Private & secure storage of personal and financial data It's like insurance for your data

Trusted partner for your needs

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Operated by trusted blockchain and data specialists

Why you should use Vault

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Stable blockchain company
Blockchain company with more than 10 years of experience
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Private and secure storage of your highly personal information and wishes
Data is stored in a secure private blockchain. You can check at any time whether a third party, including us, has gained access to your data and made changes. Trust is good, control is better. Check us and the security of your data!
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Private Secure Trusted
Safekeeping of confidential and financial data with the highest level of data security according to the state of the art
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Smart contract-driven, secure and reliable solution
Smart contract-controlled blockchain storage prevents data manipulation of any kind
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Search for beneficiaries & delivery of information according to your specifications
Search for registered beneficiaries and delivery of the corresponding data
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Data and information security at the highest level and state of the art available on the market
Highly secure encryption algorithm for data
In Vault, we focus on our customers. We offer you a unique confidential, private and secure data vault that is transparent to you. This ensures that your assets, including digital assets, are given to your beneficiaries and that what you have created is not lost. Your instructions are implemented.
Peter & Paul
We, the Vault founders, have made it our mission to pass on your digital keys, assets, know-how and virtual values to the persons or organizations that have disposed of them, just as you have disposed of them.
store your important and confidential data securely.
Sign up now
We believe that private financial and other personal data should be kept safe and always be recoverable if needed.
How it works
You are just a few steps away from securing your financial and confidential personal data for you and your beneficiaries forever.
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Step 1
Register on our website. It takes less than 5 minutes!
Create an account by registering on our website
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Step 2
Add your data and beneficiary details
Add your personal data and designate your beneficiaries
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Step 3
You can reload and, of course, change the stored data yourself at any time. When the need arises, the relevant data is delivered to the authorized beneficiaries in accordance with their instructions.
Retrieve your data from the blockchain when you need it. If you are no longer able to do so, the data will be passed on to your designated beneficiaries according to your instructions

Experienced in blockchain & technology

Vault - people you can rely on

John Doe
John Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Write to us! We are happy to answer all your questions
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